William Optics Combo Plate 週邊配件(E-PA2)
William Optics Combo Plate 週邊配件


A mount is only half of the equation. Actually less than half. The best telescope and the best mount, still need a versatile mounting plate to go with. William Optics Combo plate (dovetail and saddle plate) is elegant, solid, and machined to the highest standards, as any WO product.

Top Quality
• William Optics uses only high-grade aluminum. This guarantees your Combo plate to last a life-time.
• Precision-machined for perfect and smooth fit.
• Black anodized to enhance good looks and durability.

• This Losmandy-style dovetail and saddle plates will mount on various German Equatorial Mounts (GEM).

Any Rings OK
• Virtually any rings, like the WO 90mm rings, or the WO 115mm rings, or any other brands' mounting rings, will easily fit in one of the holes provided.
• The COMBO design allows for quick and easy release from the saddle plate of the tube assembly. The large knurled knob holds the dovetail plate steady in place.

Perfect for the astrophotography refractors
• This combo plate goes perfectly well with telescopes you want to do astrophotography with. In case of rain or for a quick release, the dovetail will easily slide out of the saddle plate. When only the best will do, this combo is what you want.



Versatile Saddle Plate combo for GEM mounts including (but not only), Astro-Physics mounts (EQ-900, EQ-1200) and Losmandy mounts (GM-8, G-11).
Dovetail Plate Weight 560g
Versatile Saddle Plate Weight 960g
Combo Weight 1520g

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產品資訊 品牌: William-Optics           型號:E-PA2
訂購編號:#A9182     條碼/廠家型號 :F #Combo Plate
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更新時間:2011/5/18 下午 03:36:00


