組合式背景架 (高250CM / 300cm寬) 含收納袋(VL-BD-T)
組合式背景架 (高250CM / 300cm寬) 含收納袋

組合式背景架 方便攜帶 附收納袋 Backdrop Supporting System

背景架 人像外拍 旅拍 棚拍 服飾外拍 大型商品 虛擬影棚 智慧教室

四段伸縮式 高度可調 4節快拆式橫桿

套內含: 250CM背景架*2(最粗30mm) / 4節快拆式橫桿 / 專用收納袋*1



多節橫桿組裝而成(每節 76CM),您可以根據需要自由組裝,組合後總長約310CM


4節橫桿 每節 76CM(組合後總長約310CM),可自行組裝3節 或 4節

整組收納含袋子: 長度90CM 直徑17CM


The Photography Backdrop Supporting System is our most popular backdrop support system. This system was designed to be transportable and comes with a black carry case, so it travels and sets up with ease.
The supporting system is rated to hold most muslin backdrops. The photographer can also change the background with sheets, drop cloths, and as well as other items to fit their specific needs. This product is perfect for someone wanting to create a scene, for example anything from school to sports photo shoots.

Available size:2.5*3M&3*3M,carring case included.

本產品已暫停 / 停止銷售(生產)

產品資訊 品牌: LINGO           型號:VL-BD-T
訂購編號:#A11607     條碼/廠家型號 :F #VL-BD-T
銷售情形 產品已暫停銷售/停止銷售/停產
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更新時間:2021/9/23 上午 11:02:00


