William Optics原廠Binoviewer 週邊配件(Binoviewer)
William Optics原廠Binoviewer 週邊配件












Today you can enjoy the benefits of BaK4 quality binoviewers in your refractor, SCT or Newtonian scope with a convenient PACKAGE including:

-1.25” Binoviewer with anti-marring compression rings
-2x William Optics 20 mm WA 66 deg. eyepieces included (available optionally too)
-Barlow nosepiece (1.6x) for easier focusing with most telescopes! It can be mounted on other eyepieces too!
-Exclusive gift box.

Or go for the ROCK-BOTTOM price of the OTA version, if you already own a set of eyepieces!

The price is very inviting, but the experience of tridimensional two-eye viewing is even better!

WO Fit & Finish
• White powder painting.
• Large chromed thumbscrews and anodized aluminum.
A very useful optional 2x Barlow/Corrector and extender are available separately for telescopes with special back-focus issues.

BAK4 Prisms
• Only high-quality BaK4 prisms with 20mm clear aperture for maximum brightness and contrast with any telescope.
• Fully Multi Coated.
• Anti-marring brass ompression rings for your eyepieces.
• Individual eyepiece focus adjustment.

Choose the Best! Best price!
• The best quality-prism 1.25" Binoviewers package out there!
Sets of 2 eyepieces for binoviewing available at discount prices.

Please note: double check with us if you want to know if you can easily reach focus with any specific William Optics telescope. We cannot guarantee you will reach focus without an optical corrector/barlow with other brands' scopes; we can only report what other users told us about specific combinations.



Prism material BaK-4 FMC
IP Accomodation 54mm to 75mm
Clear Aperture 20.2mm
E.P. holders Helical focusing, compression rings
Dimensions 120mm x 112mm x 42mm
Optical Path 100mm (4")
Weight approx. 520g (without eyepieces)

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產品資訊 品牌: William-Optics           型號:Binoviewer
訂購編號:#A9185     條碼/廠家型號 :F #Binoviewer
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更新時間:2011/5/18 下午 03:59:00


