William-Optics原廠1.25" 45°正像菱鏡


William Optics new 45° EP will work with any 1.25" eyepieces and scopes with 1.25" eyepiece holders. It will turn upside down images right side-up and give correct left-to-right image. This high-quality, low-cost erecting prism will set the standard in erecting prisms!

Large Prism
• Large, high-quality BAK4 erecting prism with anti-reflection coating allows for good contrasted and bright images.
• Brass compression ring.

Great Price
• 1.25" eyepiece holder comes with anti-marring brass compression ring.
• Extremely competitive price/quality ratio.

Innovative Shape
• Entirely aluminum, black anodized eyepiece holder.
• Large, chromed thumbscrews.

Advanced Craftsmanship
• Internally matte blackened and threaded for no internal stray light reflection.


Prism High quality BAK4 with anti-reflection coating
Materials Entirely machined aluminum
Angle 45 degree
Prism clear aperture 25mm
  1.25" with brass compression rings
Weight 170g

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產品資訊 品牌: William-Optics           型號:D-EP125
訂購編號:#A9175     條碼/廠家型號 :F #D-EP125
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超商貨到取貨付款 更新時間:2011/5/16 下午 06:16:00


