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Plustek精益MobileOffice D600 A6快速雙面饋紙式掃描器


Plustek精益MobileOffice D600 A6快速雙面饋紙式掃描器 


一『鍵』到位的服務 – 輕巧彩色A6 sizes雙面掃描器

MobileOffice D600擁有450克的輕巧外型,以及不超過桌上型電話一半大小的迷你體積,十分適合放置於空間狹窄的櫃檯上,方便櫃檯人員使用。除了將A6尺寸以內的文件如支票、名片、發票還可以將厚度不超過1.2mm 之塑膠硬卡如身份證、信用卡、與駕照等證件,都能一「掃」而空。D600簡潔的單鍵設計(One-Touch Button)可幫助將你堆積如山的文件轉成有用電子資料檔. 檔案格式除了可儲存成為一般常見的JPEG、TIFF、PDF 等格式之下, 亦可選擇存成可搜式PDF (Searchable PDF ),能協助使用者有效管理檔案並縮短搜尋檔案時間.

「One Touch」按鍵提供您掃描、OCR(文字辨識)、複印、E-mail、存檔、呼叫軟體編輯影像等功能,並允許進階使用者更改喜好設定。

透過USB 2.0傳輸,掃瞄速度高達每分鐘54 頁( 300 dpi, grayscale,單面掃瞄) 每分鐘35 頁( 300 dpi, grayscale,雙面掃瞄)

可一次進行掃描單面或雙面彩色、灰階、黑白影像 掃描厚度可達1.2mm,可同時掃描多張名片、證件、會員卡、信用卡、照片等


強大的TWAIN & WIA驅動程式可讓您連結其他影像編輯軟體 可搭配Plustek自行研發之 check reader library , barcode reader library MICA資料庫軟體以及條碼資料庫軟體(Optional)

MobileOffice D600採用Plustek自行研發的DocAction專業掃描軟體為主要操作介面,其軟體提供九組個人化掃描模組供使用者自行設定喜好模式。舉凡影像複製、列印、存檔、文字辨識、名片管理、影像編輯等皆可在掃描模組中設定好後,簡易的功能切換到需要模式,按下掃描鍵即可完成工作。另外,D600為了讓您的工作更有效率,掃描軟體內含自動裁切黑邊以及自動影像框正等功能。讓您無需再花費多餘的時間去調整掃描後的影像。及透過由自行研發的DI Capture資料管理軟體,使用者可依照自身的需求,對文件掃描的數位檔案進行系統化的管理,以提升資料建檔與日後搜尋資料的速度。


Plustek MobileOffice D600為攜帶式高速雙面掃描器,使用600 dpi 高解析度彩色雙CIS (接觸式掃瞄元件),讓您無需浪費等待開機後燈管暖機的時間。在搭配USB 2.0高速傳輸連接介面下,可達到每分鐘54 頁( 300 dpi, grayscale,單面掃瞄)高速掃瞄速度。(一般文件、照片解析度都低於600dpi ,一般太高的解析度並無意義)


在這個提倡 「環保」與「開源節流」的時代,使用掃描器能大幅減少影印所需的紙張,為企業節省開銷;而能將掃描、存檔與歸檔一氣呵成的D600,絕對是這個時代中對自身競爭力與服務品質要求完美的企業不可或缺的利器!對於需要體積小不佔空間,能快速處理,操作簡單的你,MobileOffice D600將會是你得意的好助手。適合使用在個人工作室、小型辦公室、銀行櫃台、客服中心、金融機構

Also included in the package:
  1.Setup / Application CD-ROM
2.User manual (PDF file)
3.Calibration sheet
4.Sensor cleaning paper
5.USB cable 150cm (59.05")
6.Quick guide
Bundled software packages:
NewSoft Presto! ImageFolio 4.5
ImageFolio is a comprehensive multimedia image-processing program. You can create new images by using the ImageFolio's powerful tools. This sophisticated set of image-editing tools enables you to quickly create new images or enhance pre-existing ones.
- Complete image-tuning functions.
- Easy to manage and preview image files.
- Monitor Gamma adjustment.
- TWAIN interface support for automatic fine-tuning during scanning.
- Support TIF, PCX, BMP, TGA, JPG, PCD, WMF, and PNG file format. (PC)
Image Manager functions as an image database and uses folders to manage and preview files.
Hotcard BizCard Finder 3.0

BizCard Finder 3.0, provides BCR Technology and Photo /Document database for information management. Through BizCard Finder, you can quickly and easily convert the vital contact information on business cards into a convenient, searchable, digital database that can be easily synchronized between PC, NoteBook, and PDA


Support Batch scan and Process
Customize Category
Calendar Reminding function
Password Protection and Public Database management
Browse image conveniently by the SlideShow applet
Database backup and Merge management
Multiple Sort function to search the available data easily
Send email with images attached
Multiple print option
Slide Show
Recognize Language: English, Chinese, Japanese, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese (For Business card database only)
Synchronize /Export and Import in table format (For Business card database only)
NewSoft Presto! PageManager 6.0 (Full)

Award-winning photo/image management software supports over 100 popular applications, including color OCR and full-text indexing functions .

Powerful document management software for OCR, PDF creation, or format conversion to Microsoft Word or Excel.
Instant PDF creation or conversion to Word (maintaining color and images)
Network support to share files over a network
Stack associated files together so they can be opened together
Scan to application for further image editing and OCR
Browse image conveniently by the Slideshow applet
NewSoft MaxReader (Only Support Chinese Version)
ABBYY FineReader 6.0 Sprint Plus
ABBYY FineReader 6.0 Sprint plus comes with simple user interface, supports recognition up to 177 languages and has the following features,
- Instantly retype your paper documents
- Work with multi-page documents
- Easily create Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, TXT, HTML files
- Simply share the information in the appropriate digital format
Plustek DI Capture

DI Capture is an document image capture application software that helps you scan, import and organize your document images in an efficient way.

Plustek DocAction

Plustek DocAction provides a personalized operation system; you can easily set up your scanning way and use to have a simple processing way and time-save making your work smart and quick.

  Plustek TWAIN Driver


1992年,精益科技又推出全球第一台彩色饋紙式掃瞄器,同時也是全球第一台無需外接電源的掃瞄器,成功的將平臺式掃瞄器市場擴大應用範圍。1993年,再次推出全球第一台自動送紙型掃瞄器。1994年則推出全球第一台多功能彩色掃瞄器,是一台結合掃瞄、影印、傳真和OCR文字辨識(Optical Character Recognition)等功能的整合性產品,並獲得國內外BYTE Winner的肯定。


  彩色CIS x 2
  600 dpi
  單面:3.1 sec / page (A6、300 dpi、彩色)
1.1 sec / page (A6、300 dpi 、黑色)
雙面:6.5 sec / page (A6、300 dpi、彩色)
1.7 sec / page (A6、300 dpi 、黑色)
  彩色:Input 48-bit,Output 24-bit
灰階:Input 16-bit,Output 8-bit
黑白:Input & Output 1-bit
  最大:105 x 148 mm (4.1” x 5.8”) A6 paper size
TWAIN supports 可掃瞄長度至500 mm (19.63”)
  USB 2.0
體積 (D x W x H)
  194 x 73 x 54 mm
  AC: 100 V ~240 V
DC: 15V, 1A
  Windows 2000、XP、Vista
  IBM 相容 PC, CPU:Pentium IV 2G或以上
    CD-ROM 光碟機
    一個可用的 USB 埠
    512 MB RAM (建議 768MB)
    800 MB 可用硬碟空間 (建議 1GB)
    「高彩」繪圖卡(VGA 或更高階)
    Microsoft Windows 2000 (SP4)、XP HOME Edition (SP2)、XP Professional (SP2)、Vista

優惠價格限量2組( 供貨數量 ),售完為止 (大量購買者請電洽本公司)買貴通報

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